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Conference Room

Upcoming events

We aim for regular meetings of the community, in presence and vitually.


CurvoBio2024 Workshop

You can now register for the CurvoBio2022 Workshop by following the link below.

The workshop will take place at

August 24th - 26th 2022 in Berlin

The workshop will start on the 24th at 10:30 am and finish at around 3:30 pm on the 26th.  There is no registration fee thanks to the support of the Joachim Herz Stiftung, Zeiss, Physical Electronics GMBH, and the DFG. However, the participants are asked to organize and pay for their travel and accommodations. Please feel reminded that a registration is mandatory for the workshop participation.

The abstract submission is closed, but there are still a few free places availiable for participants. Hence, the final registration deadline is now July 15th. Upon registration please indicate if you will bring a poster.  

The Session topics will range from cellular membranes and single cells to tissues and collective behavior of cells. We will also cover environmental considerations as well as more theoretical aspects like modeling approaches to understand the effect of curvature, and controlling and quantifying curvatures.

CurvoBio_Flyer2022_new kopia.png

Location: Harnak Haus, Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin

Organizing Committee

with support of
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