Open Positions
Researchers from all disciplines are very welcome to advertise EuroCurvoBioNet - related open positions here.
Open PhD position at the interface between computational physics and biology
Open position for an Interdisciplinary Doctoral project in the RAUZI lab (University Côte d’Azur, IBV, Nice) and in the ETIENNE lab (Univ Grenoble Alpes, LIPHY, Grenoble) at the interface between computational physics and biology: studying the mechanisms and mechanics driving tissue folding
Open PhD position on "the Mechanobiology of Biofilms"
The team Biofilm-Based Materials is looking for an excellent and motivated student with MSc or equivalent degree in Materials Science or Biophysics, open to new methods and interdisciplinary interactions. Starting date: early 2023. Please check the link for detailed information.
Open PhD position on "Gauging membrane tension and channel activity with light"
We are looking for an excellent and motivated student with MSc or equivalent degree in (bio)physics / (bio)chemistry / (bio)engineering and strong interest in physics of biological systems. Starting date: 01.01.2023 For detailed information, please check link.