Previous events
We aim for regular meetings of the community, in presence and virtually.
24th - 26th of August 2022, Berlin, Germany
Scientific Workshop & Networking
The 4th CurvoBio workshop was held in the Harnack Haus in Berlin and was hosted by the Max Plank Institut of Colloids and Interfaces. Keynote lectures from biologists, chemists, physicists, material scientist and designers, and student lectures triggered nummerous interdiscipinary discussions and new project ideas.


7th - 9th of April 2021, Online
Scientific workshop, networking and planning
The 3rd CurvoBio workshop hosted by the Max Plank Institut of Colloids and Interfaces was held online with 98 registered participants from 17 countries. We are grateful for the the inspiring scientific talks and are glad about the positive feedback regarding the session of prerecorded educational lectures. We will follow up to develop teaching new international teaching formats and reach-out strategies.

2nd September 2020, Online
Online Discussions & Update
Wired times require creative solutions. So we decided to change plans and instead of a on-site-workshop we held a compressed online update-meeting to stay in touch and learn of how the field developed.

February 6th - 8th 2019, Salzburg, Austria
Scientific exchange & Kickoff for the Community
A great first workshop of this kind. Hosed by the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, biologists, physicists, mathematicians from all over Europe met for a broad scientific exchange, for learning the languages of the other disciplines and to enjoy snowy Salzburg.