CurvoBio Webinars
You are a member of EuroCurvoBioNet
and you want to learn how biology relates to curvature,
or how morphologies relate to biological processes?
You are on the right page!
EuroCurvoBioNet offers webinar series dedicated to research, teaching and outreach
on curvature in biological systems at different length (and time) scales.
Every first Wednesday of the month, 1:30 pm CET (unless otherwise stated*)
to attend the live event -
Whenever you want to consult the recordings afterwards (without Q&A)
On Zoom for the live events
On the EuroCurvoBioNet YouTube channel for the recordings
How to attend & access the Webinars?
Just make sure you join the COST Action EuroCurvoBioNet and you will get the details to connect to the virtual Webinar room and access the EuroCurvoBioNet YouTube channel: check emails from André Castro
Each webinar will start at 1:30 pm CET and last about 45 min, including time for discussion.
The plan for Autumun/Winter season is the following:
09.10.24* – Chiara Micheletti, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany,
Winner of CurvoBio 2024 poster competition
From torpedo to prickly ball: geometrical and ultrastructural changes in the armoured skin of the porcupine fish
06.11.24 (!!! 12:30 pm CET !!!) – Aleš Iglič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Working Group 2 – Curvature of Cellular Membranes
On the role of active forces in phagocytosis and migration of cells on curved surfaces
04.12.24 – Laurent Pieuchot, CNRS, France,
Working Group 3 – Curvature and Single Cells
Curvature at the interface: a driving force in mechanobiology and bioengineering
08.01.25* – Luis Escudero, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Working Group 4 – Curvature and the collective behaviour of cells (Tissues)
Programming morphogenesis of curved surfaces
05.02.25 – Nina Nováková, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic
Working Group 5 – Curvature across the scale
The beauty of self-organization: Formation of functional materials across scales
* These webinars will run on the second Wednesday of the respective month