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Short-Term Scientific Missions

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) provide funding for research visits of at least 5 days for a researcher from a COST country or partner to an institute in another COST country.

The maximum amount for each STSM is €2000 which can be used for travel & daily allowance.

Who can apply?

PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers or permanent researcher who are already associated with the COST Action EuroCurvoBioNet or work on related topics. For this funding period each person can only submit one application.

How to apply?

The application documents need to be submitted on the e-COST website:



The application needs to include following documents:

• a letter of invitation from a researcher affiliated to the Host institution,
a motivation letter including a work plan detailing the proposed activities and the requested funding (max. 2 pages),
• a support letter from the Home Institution,
• a short CV, including a list of academic publications, if applicable (max. 2 pages).

Applications must be eligible (see Annotated Rules for COST Actions) and in line with the Action research topics.


The applications will be ranked by the STSM responsible together with the Chair and the Vice Chair and the WG leaders of the action based on following criteria:

• scientific quality
• feasibility of the approach proposed,
• benefit to the development of the COST Action

The selection will follow the COST policies on inclusiveness.

The final ranking will be approved by the Action Chair and Vice-Chair.

The selected researchers should wait for the official invitation from the Grant Holder before booking any travel arrangements.

Important Dates

•    Application deadline August 31, 2024, or until funds exhausted
•    Decision on funding will be announced up to 2 weeks after receiving the application
•    STSM needs to be carried out before Sept 30, 2024
•    Final report needs to be submitted by Sept 30, 2024

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